
HAE Organisation

ISD-SL is committed to tackling inequities in Sierra Leone in Health, Agriculture and Education. To achieve this, we are actively working together with businesses, government, and non-profits. Each partner is vital and plays a specific role in accelerating progress.

HAE Business Plan


We are improving child survival, maternal health and well-being in Sierra Leone.

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We are embarking on agriculture as the engine of growth for socio-economic development.

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We are empowering youths, and children in our communities to generate new and innovative ideas.

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We are committed to the welfare of the differently abled in Sierra Leone and securing equal opportunities for them.

We aim to transform the lives of underprivileged people with disabilities, by running extensive programmes in rural and urban parts of Sierra Leone to enable, equip and empower children and adults with a range of disabilities, including locomotive difficulty, spinal cord injury, speech and hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, and a range of mental issues.

HAE offers shelter to the distraught kids who grew up in tough situations that separated them from the happiness of a family in their early days. These orphans need affection, attention and kindness. The orphans in Sierra Leone are plagued by many issues like child labour, maltreatment, gender bias, trafficking, health issues, homeless and impoverishment. HAE recognises the need of support and care of orphan children for their holistic development, for these unfortunate children who are deprived and neglected from the society, for bringing them into the mainstream of the society.